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The Importance Of A Capital Sufficiency Analysis In Retirement Planning

Today’s Retirement Challenges The primary goal of retirement planning is to accumulate enough financial capital to last throughout retirement while funding all of one’s goals and objectives. Unfortunately, retirement planning in today’s environment has become more difficult...

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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

Beyond The Bright-Line Test: Rent-A-Center v. Commissioner – Long-Awaited U.S. Tax Court Decision Provides More Heat Than Light On What Constitutes “Insurance” Between Related Parties

In 1977, IRS issued Rev. Rul. 77-316,[1] which held that when a corporate parent insures risks with a wholly owned subsidiary, the transaction per se cannot be characterized as insurance for federal tax purposes because the risk shifting and risk distribution that the U.S. Supreme Court has...

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The $11.2 Million Conference Table: Business Aircraft Upgrade Creates A Large Tax Bill

The U.S. Tax Court denied an aircraft owner the “bonus” tax depreciation available for business aircraft because it did not have a conference table. Despite the adverse result, the case offers valuable lessons on how to use, and substantiate the use of, business aircraft for tax...

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