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Patent Protection for Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology

Jonathan Solomon, principal with Fish & Richardson, discusses the state of the cryptocurrency industry – what kinds of technologies his clients are looking to patent, the challenges of obtaining patent protection in this area, and where he sees the industry heading in the future.

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Blockchain Is Much More Than Cryptocurrency

With blockchain, a company can track a single mango in 2.2 seconds. Steve McNew of FTI Consulting asks clients to consider what transformative changes blockchain can make in their business.

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As SEC Takes Aim at ICO Market, Will Courts Turn to Receiverships?

Jones Day’s Mark Rasmussen discusses the SEC’s first ICO enforcement action where a receiver was appointed.

CCBJ: How did you get involved in receivership work and, in particular, the AriseBank receivership, which is the first in an SEC enforcement action involving an ICO promoter...

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