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Dynamic Change Roils International Trade Waters

Change with a capital “C” is the watchword for those practicing in Akin Gump’s international trade practice, where Anne Borkovic focuses primarily on export controls and anti-money laundering actions and Lars-Erik Hjelm leads the customs and import controls efforts.

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For This GC, Doing More With Less Drives Continuous Innovation

Mark Smolik, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer of DHL Supply Chain Americas, assesses the ongoing expansion of in-house legal departments, including how they fit into a business’s overall structure, today and in the future.

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Manufacturing | Maritime

Warehouse and Marine Coverage: When it comes to goods and cargo, it’s important to know your insurance benefits

For those who track cargo and warehouse theft, it’s no secret that electronics, computer components and designer brands are prime targets for theft. It’s also no secret that a good many thieves bring ingenuity to their craft. A shipping article from this summer noted that: “Last...

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