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Transfer Tax Considerations For The Purchase And Sale Of New Jersey Real Property

Introduction When selling or purchasing real property in New Jersey, one should be aware of certain transfer taxes and other local New Jersey tax issues that may arise in connection with the transaction. By being aware of these tax issues, the seller and purchaser will be able to draft the...

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WTAS Changes Its Name To Andersen Tax

Editor: Tell us about the origins of WTAS and what led you to change your name to Andersen Tax. What research did you conduct to assess the possibility of changing the name to Andersen Tax? Toce: WTAS was founded by a group of former Arthur Andersen tax partners, all of whom shared the same...

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Board of Directors

The Deal Compass – Inversions

Several U.S. companies have completed an inversion transaction to potentially reduce their tax rate and ensure that earnings arising from future growth outside the U.S. remain outside the U.S. tax system. In June of 2014, another inversion transaction, QLT Inc.’s acquisition of Auxilium...

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