More Antitrust & Competition Articles

Antitrust & Competition

Reckoning with the Size, Scope And Power of Social Media Giants

Bob Fay, managing director of digital economy research and policy at the Centre for International Governance, discusses the Federal Trade Commission’s pending antitrust lawsuit against Facebook, as well as broader issues around data privacy, competition and regulation in the digital age.

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Antitrust & Competition

Antitrust Regulation in the Era of Big Data and COVID-19

Andrea Levine, managing director with FTI Consulting, discusses various aspects of antitrust enforcement in 2020, from data collection in a cloud-based world to how companies are coping with the effects of the pandemic.

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Antitrust & Competition

Guidance for HR Antitrust Compliance

Peter Mucchetti and Michaela Spero of Clifford Chance lay out a framework for applying the antitrust laws in the employment context and provide guidance on how to avoid potential pitfalls.

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