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Bridging The Information Divide Between An Organization’s Corporate Counsel And Tax Department Through Collaboration

The tax department of a Fortune 100 Company hires a consulting firm to advise on state tax matters. The consulting firm carries certain issues through the tax appeals process and hires outside legal counsel to represent the Company in tax litigation. The Company’s in-house lawyers are...

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What You Need To Know About FATCA

Editor: Please tell us about your background as it pertains to FATCA and its implementation. Laveman: FATCA has been something that my firm and I have been focusing on since the law was passed in March of 2010. There have been a lot of starts and stops along the way. I’m a partner in...

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Partnering With Guidance

While the regulatory environment has evolved over some time, 2013 has ushered in significant changes that call for a new focus on tax planning and administration. Tax rates have increased, the list of taxpayer disclosure requirements continues to grow, and there has been an uptick in audit...

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