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CCBJ Perspectives: Technology in Investigations and Disclosure Advantages to Regulatory Agencies

In a discussion with Host Kristin Calve, Stu Clarke, regional director of northern Europe for Nuix, explores how law enforcement officials use technology in investigations, the advantage of disclosure to a regulatory agency and a recently commissioned series of interviews from Nuix with 31 regulators across 18 countries.

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Strategies For Uncovering Key Evidence in Modern ESI Investigations

Modern electronically stored information (ESI) investigations are critically important and intensely demanding. Timely, cooperative self-reporting plays a central role in today’s heightened global regulatory environment and can obviate a sweeping agency investigation that would otherwise divert or exhaust valuable company time and resources. Here are five key strategies employed by professional investigation teams to uncover the facts when faced with high-stakes, time sensitive investigations.

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Is Your Early Case Assessment Process Hurting Your Case?

Early case assessment (ECA) is crucial to developing a winning strategy. Wendy Cole, product marketing director, legal tech with OpenText, explains how Axcelerate Investigation is helping organizations regain control of their ECA process and quickly assess the merits of their case.

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