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Time to Get Cynical - Cyber Attacks and Security Breaches

In this episode of In House Warrior, Gordon Platt of Gordon Platt, PC and Craig Besnoy of Besnoy Law, speak with host Richard Levick of LEVICK about the growing cyber threat and why we all need to become more cynical and vigilant.

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Antitrust & Competition

Reckoning with the Size, Scope And Power of Social Media Giants

Bob Fay, managing director of digital economy research and policy at the Centre for International Governance, discusses the Federal Trade Commission’s pending antitrust lawsuit against Facebook, as well as broader issues around data privacy, competition and regulation in the digital age.

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Risk Management

Business Under Attack: Five POWER Actions Boards, Management and Risk Leaders Need to Prepare for Crisis in 2021

Cyber-attacks compound data, financial and privacy issues. Pandemics linger, break supply chains and destroy economies. Competitors and disgruntled employees attack in unprecedented ways.

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