More Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Articles


Regulating Virtual Currency: The New Frontier

With its multiple financial uses, how should virtual currency be categorized?

In the last few years, virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Ripple have moved to the forefront of social and economic discussions. While concerns over legitimacy, practicality and privacy...

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Cyber's Singular Nature: Spanning Industries, Boundaries and Precedent

Akin Gump's Michelle Reed and Natasha Kohne stress the importance of knowing the myriad privacy obligations that affect a company, as well as the regulators that enforce them.

CCBJ: Let’s start off with some background about you and your practices.

Natasha Kohne: Michelle and I co-...

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Antitrust & Competition

Antitrust Risks of Exchanging Information Before the Deal Is Done

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently issued guidance explaining how parties to a merger or acquisition can reduce antitrust risk when exchanging competitively sensitive information prior to closing.1 The exchange of competitively sensitive information can violate both the Hart...

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