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Home Concrete & Supply Redux? Expansive Interpretation of the “Fraud” Exception to the Three-Year Statute of Limitations

As a general a rule, the Internal Revenue Service has three years from the date a tax return is filed to propose adjustments to that return or lose the right to do so.[1] However, the Internal Revenue Code also provides exceptions under which the three-year period can be extended. The exceptions...

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Food & Beverage

A Call for Guidance: Tip credit uncertainty burdens vital NYC restaurant industry

Restaurant owners located in New York City are left in the difficult position of interpreting the rules on the federal tip credit. The New York City Department of Finance has not issued clear and definitive guidelines on how to treat the federal tip credit as it relates to New York City taxable...

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The Application of State Sales Tax in a Digital World: Considerations for Corporate Counsel

Corporate IT purchasing decisions will largely be driven by operational requirements and profit/cost analysis. State sales and gross receipts tax implications are routinely overlooked in the purchasing analysis. They should never be. Sales and gross receipts taxes often represent a substantial...

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