More Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Articles

Regulatory & Compliance

SEC Adopts Net Worth Standard For Accredited Investors Under Regulation D

Effective July 21, 2010, the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act modified the $1 million net worth test for qualifying as an “accredited investor” under Regulation D to exclude for the first time the value of a person’s primary residence.[1] The...

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SEC Charges Investment Adviser In Social Media Scam, Issues Two Alerts

The SEC charged an Illinois-based investment adviser on January 4, 2012 with trying to sell fictitious securities, allegedly offering more than $500 billion of the bogus investments on various social media web sites such as LinkedIn. In the SEC’s order instituting administrative proceedings...

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Employee Benefits (ERISA)

In Re: Citigroup ERISA Litigation: Has The Death Knell Sounded For Stock Drop Cases?

Following the spectacular collapse of Enron in 2001, a cottage litigation industry was created in which a handful of plaintiffs’ firms now routinely rush to bring ERISA class actions whenever a pension plan invests in the stock of the corporate sponsor and the stock price declines...

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