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On June 26, 2015, the Third Circuit became the first circuit court to interpret the United States Supreme Court’s landmark decision, FTC v. Actavis, 133 S. Ct. 2223 (2013), which held that reverse cash or “pay for delay” payments from a patent holder to a generic manufacturer are...

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Healthcare | Medical Devices

Post-Grant Pushes Forward in Life Sciences: IPRs embraced as a faster and cheaper means of challenging patents

MCC: Fish was recently named the #1 most active law firm at the PTAB. Can you share with us the work you are doing generally in the post-grant area, and specifically how you are using IPRs in your patent and litigation strategies for life sciences companies? Whelan: After the America Invents Act (...

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Intellectual Property

Forging Win-Win Royalty Deals: Clear terms, fair dealings are the path to success for licensors and licensees

Properly reporting and accounting for royalties can be challenging and complex for licensees. Ensuring that your licensees are operating as intended and paying you properly can be daunting for licensors. However, no matter how technical royalty and contractual obligations may be, there are a...

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