More Intellectual Property Articles

Intellectual Property

The ITC Offers Powerful Remedies In Patent Cases: While the number of cases ebbsand flows, the ITC is here to stay

Since the early 1990s, Michael McKeon of Fish & Richardson, who confesses to getting “geeked out” over the International Trade Commission and its governing statute, has been guiding clients into and through the ITC, an...

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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

Attacking Patent Litigation with Data: Insuring the uninsurable by knowing the unknowable

Imagine this underwriting scenario: you are asked to provide a quote for an auto policy, but are unable to obtain information about the age, education, work history and driving record of the person to be insured. You don’t know where his or her car will be garaged and operated, or how many...

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Intellectual Property

Patently Powerful: When complicated tech, facts and law intersect, clients call Fish

In the high-stakes world of patent litigation, Fish & Richardson has established itself as the industry leader. Corporate Counsel magazine has named the firm the top patent litigation firm for 13 years in a row. Not content to rest on its laurels, however, Fish continues to innovate with new...

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