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Intellectual Property

Say What?!? Think you own the website you paid to build? Think again.

Imagine this scenario: your marketing team has decided that your company’s website is out of date and not particularly effective in serving existing customers or attracting new ones. Additionally, although the current outside web development company was once the recipient of lavish praise...

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Intellectual Property

Fuzzy Business: Sharpening the definition of covered business method patent

In the America Invents Act (“AIA”), Congress granted the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”) heightened jurisdiction to hear challenges to patents related to performing data processing or other operations used in the practice, administration or management of a financial...

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Intellectual Property

Trademarks – Not What They Used To Be: Courts expected to seriously revisit First Amendment issues

MCC: One highly publicized trademark case involves the NFL team the Washington Redskins. The team’s longstanding trademark has been deemed to be disparaging to Native Americans. What are the issues and any decisions from the court around disparagement and federal trademark registration as...

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