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Equivio Themes: Shifting The eDiscovery Focus Back To Lawyers Looking For Evidence

This article is written by Chris Dale of the UK-based eDisclosure Information Project in conjunction with Equivio. Equivio develops software for eliminating data redundancy and for helping lawyers and investigators to cut through large volumes of documents quickly and efficiently to find the few...

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Control It Yourself - A New Service Concept In E-Discovery Technology

E-discovery technology is changing rapidly. The demand for more effective data security is at an all-time high. Data volumes continue to grow, and the use of e-discovery technologies has moved beyond the realm of litigation into the investigation and compliance fields. How can corporate legal...

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Predictive Governance: Making The Most Of Your Information

Editor: Welcome back, Dean. Recommind has announced its Information Governance Suite (IGS). Please tell us about this new offering. Gonsowski: IGS is a combination of practical software solutions designed to help organizations manage their information governance challenges. Historically,...

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