More Discovery Articles


E-Discovery: Relieving The Burdens Of Preservation

Editor: Brian, please tell us about your background. Pandya: I am an IP litigator who has been involved in a number of patent cases in courts around the country with significant e-discovery aspects. My first experience with e-discovery came when I was working on a large biotech case shortly...

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How You Can Voice Your Opinion On The Proposed New Federal Rules

The Advisory Committee on Civil Rules (Advisory Committee) is seeking public comment on a number of proposals to amend the FRCP aimed at reducing the costs and burdens of discovery. The two most important of these are a rewrite of Rule 37(e), which regulates sanctions for failure to preserve...

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The Proposed Rules: Light At The End Of The E-Discovery Tunnel

We are pleased to present this discussion of proposed amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), which represent great progress toward addressing issues that have contributed to the onerous burdens and high costs related to e-discovery, such as over-preservation, failure to apply...

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