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Civil Justice

Lawyers For Civil Justice; Standing For Fairness And Meaningful Reform In U.S. Civil Litigation

Editor: Congratulations on being elected president of Lawyers for Civil Justice (LCJ). To start our discussion, can you please recap the major initiatives LCJ is undertaking? Williams: LCJ has long advocated rule reforms that would make the civil justice system fairer and more efficient. We are...

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Civil Justice

E-Discovery Technology And The Art Of Client Service

Editor: Kiersted Systems has a 30-year record of delivering superior results in electronic discovery projects – on time and on budget. What key factors do you address in helping clients manage today’s litigation costs? Kiersted: Clients are dealing with vast increases in data...

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Predictive Information Governance: Getting The Right Data To The Right People At The Right Time

Editor: Please tell us about your professional background. Gonsowski: I am an attorney by training, having received my law degree from the University of San Diego. I practiced for some years litigating and doing corporate work, and then, during the Dot-com era, in the mid- to late 1990s, I went...

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