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How to Rob a Bank in 10 Easy Clicks

Bank robbery used to be a very simple affair. All you needed were a few fast horses, a handful of men or women who were quick on the draw, and some black hats and bandanas to hide behind. Since these attacks were purely physical, banks had simple defenses. Strong vaults and locks kept the money...

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DOJ Aims for Corporate Transparency: New FCPA program incentivizes companies to self-disclose and cooperate with law enforcement

On April 5, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced a one-year Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Enforcement Pilot Program to encourage voluntary self-disclosure, cooperation, and remediation.1 This effort is designed to boost enforcement by further incentivizing companies to...

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Life Sciences

Publisher's Note May 2016

Our goal in publishing Metropolitan Corporate Counsel and its various digital offshoots is to provide readers, most of them senior legal executives at major companies, with news and information that holds special appeal for them. That may be because it shines a light on legal and business issues...

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