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Healthcare | Medical Devices

An Unhealthy Situation: Data breaches plague healthcare providers. Serious advance work can help.

Healthcare providers and health plans are among the most vulnerable organizations when it comes to data breaches. Failing to respond promptly yet accurately to a healthcare data breach can be particularly costly due to potential fines and penalties under the Health Insurance Portability and...

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In the Cross-Border Data Crosshairs: Focus on four areas to mitigate the danger of data transfer across borders

Cross-border data transfers are not only frequent, but often crucial components of everyday business. Today’s patterns of global data flow would be unrecognizable to a technologist of 20 years ago, and developments in global communication networks and business processes continue to evolve at...

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Practical Legal Considerations When Thinking About Cloud Computing

With applications, documents, videos, podcasts and other programs, businesses are running into a common problem – limited space (or memory) to host files locally or internally. Many businesses are increasingly looking to “the cloud” as a solution, allowing scalable and secure data...

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