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Big Shifts in EU Data Privacy Law: New privacy regulations abroad will have major consequences for U.S. companies

The European Parliament made international headlines in April when it enacted the General Data Protection Regulation, a revolutionary data privacy law that permits regulators to fine corporations in excess of €20 million for noncompliance. What’s more, companies without a physical...

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Tying It Together: Successful incident response plans start with thoughtful data governance

Incident response plans are crucial in an organization’s overall strategy for handling potential data breaches and incidents. An incident is defined as a security event that compromises the integrity, confidentiality or availability of an information asset. A breach is an incident that...

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Artificial Intelligence

Discovery Tips for Government Investigations: Develop a cleaner process with these preemptive guides

This article is for attorneys and in-house counsel involved in the e-discovery portion of an internal investigation or government subpoena. The commentary is meant to be general – it should apply to investigations involving the Office of Inspector General, the Department of Justice, the SEC,...

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