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The Internet of Things Brings Risks and Rewards: A network of devices emitting massive amounts of data provides answers – and raises ethical concerns

A nationally recognized electronic evidence and case management expert with over 20 years of experience in consulting for legal and corporate entities, Dan Regard of iDiscovery Solutions discusses the immediate and long-term impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on litigation, privacy, government...

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“Speed” of Technology Leads to Litigation: Snapchat and other mobile communications platforms offer new driving distractions

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), 46 states now prohibit all drivers from text messaging while driving. (See the full list on the NCSL’s website.) Unfortunately, technology often advances at a rate faster than legislation can respond, leading to increased...

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How Much Tech Do I Need to Know?: Ethical obligations have evolved to link the duty of competency with tech expertise

Metadata. MD5 hash. Native format. Disaster recovery tapes. Automatic deletion settings. Structured databases. Big data. Chances are, you did not learn this technological terminology and the implications for discovery in law school. Yet in the ever-evolving digitization of life, ethical obligations...

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