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Increase the Odds of Licensing Success: Leveraging a brand in the gaming industry can be a lucrative bet with proper controls in place

The value of intellectual property in the marketplace is ever expanding, and when you consider licensing, that value could have a very precise dollar figure attached. Licensing arrangements can provide corporations with a handsome additional revenue stream, one outside of their core business, and...

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Trade Secret Disputes and Employment Risks: A top lawyer and forensic technologist weigh in on the key issues

Data theft of trade secrets through the use of portable electronic storage devices is occurring more and more, as is theft through cloud storage, according to James D. Vaughn of iDiscovery Solutions. Seyfarth Shaw’s Robert B. Milligan, who chairs his firm’s Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud...

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Caring About Cloud Migration

Information technology departments across all industries face enormous pressure to control costs and reduce their budgets. At the same time, they’re coping with the massive growth of data to store on IT systems and data servers. This had led to a mass migration of data to cloud-based storage...

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