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The E-discovery implications of BYOD: Clear policies are a must when employees take control of mobile devices

The use of mobile devices in the workplace is an ever-evolving practice. When organizations first started taking advantage of increasing mobile technology, particularly cellphones and laptops, most implemented “company owned, personally enabled” (COPE) policies. The mobile device...

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The Keys to Analytics: Supercharge Your Document Review: Analytics and TAR are highly beneficial, but there’s still work to be done

As technology assisted review (TAR) and analytics become increasingly commonplace in the discovery process, it is more important than ever for counsel to understand the benefits, drawbacks and planning required. Here, two well-known e-discovery experts, Louis Martin of iDiscovery Solutions and Page...

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Facts First, Facts Fast, Facts Found: Turning review on its head quickly cuts to the heart of the matter

Find Facts Fast is both the name and the mission of FTI Consulting’s innovative approach to document analysis. As David Grant explains below, it deploys researchers to unearth the most crucial materials from the outset, essentially flipping the process upside down to provide counsel with the...

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