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LEGAL OPS LEADERSHIP - Change Management: Assessment & Action

During this one hour webcast, Alan Bryan, Senior Associate General Counsel for Walmart and Darren Guy, Global Head of Legal Operations for AIG, discuss strategies for managing change in the law department.

Data Analytics

Brainspace: The Industry’s Most Intuitive Investigative Analytics Platform

By 2025, governments, corporations and individuals will have accumulated 175 zettabytes of data. The amount of data in the world is growing at a 61% compound annual rate. Combine this exponential data growth with the rapid deployment of platforms designed to create and share information online and the challenge becomes clear. How do you quickly and accurately analyze this ever-growing mountain of data for internal investigations, in response to regulator requests for information or to assess your firm’s legal risk as it relates to litigation?


What Drives CLM Success?

As the Contract Lifecycle Management market matures, most enterprises are either moving towards their first solution or are looking to improve upon their initial implementation. There are several key factors that drive success regardless of where an organization is on its evolutionary path to a fully proficient CLM solution. Learn how to make your CLM journey a successful one, irrespective of the stage where you are today.


How to Manage an Internal Investigation

This webinar will help attendees gain a better understanding of how to conduct successful investigations that are quickly initiated, promptly completed, fairly evaluated, and compliant with legal requirements. Attendees will walk away with a series of best practices for conducting fast, defensible internal investigations.


Preservation and Collection Best Practices for a Global Workforce

Learn how much information can be pulled from corporate devices and better understand the tools, techniques and strategies available to legal investigators.


Unclaimed Property: Audits, Policies and Procedures

Many companies struggle with policies and procedures related to unclaimed property. John Buonomo, Senior Vice President, Issuer and Investor Services of AST, discusses issues impacting audit outcomes, what is covered in the audit and share insights around best practices.