More Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Articles


Fee-Shifting And The SEC: Does It Still Believe In Private Enforcement?

John C. Coffee, Jr. is the Adolf A. Berle Professor of Law at Columbia University and Director of its Center on Corporate Governance. This opinion piece is an elaboration on, and extension of, testimony that Professor Coffee gave on October 9, 2014, before the SEC's Investor Advisory...

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Interview With Bridget Marsh, Deputy General Counsel Of The LSTA, On Meridian Sunrise Village

Griffiths: Before we get into details, can you tell us a little bit about the LSTA and your role at the LSTA? Marsh: The LSTA is the trade association for the corporate loan market. Since its formation in 1995, the LSTA has been dedicated to improving liquidity and transparency in the loan...

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Labor & Employment

Fifth Third Bancorp v. Dudenhoeffer: Supreme Court Rejects "Presumption of Prudence" For Stock Drop Cases

On June 25, the United States Supreme Court issued its decision in Fifth Third Bancorp v. Dudenhoeffer, a decision that had been highly anticipated by the ERISA bar. The question before the Court was whether the so-called Moench presumption of prudence applied to a motion to dismiss. Rather than...

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