More Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Articles

Gaming | Hospitality

Hospitality Investors Adjust to Shifting Realities: As ownership and operations diverge and hard assets are privatized, millennials drive growth

Introduction: The hospitality industry is undergoing profound transformation. The big brands no longer own their properties, global money is chasing safety in the U.S., Airbnb continues to disrupt, and the massive millennial cohort is shunning white glove amenities for smaller rooms and better WiFi...

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Corporate Counsel

One for Two or Two for Two with CCOs?: The Chief Compliance Officer Debate

As the role of the chief compliance officer (CCO) takes on more prominence, many CEOs and boards must evaluate whether their general counsel (GC) can take on this second role or if the function should be led by a separate executive. After the financial crisis, Enron, and growing privacy, corruption...

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Aggressive Corruption Persists: Findings from the latest AlixPartners global anti-corruption survey

The record number of enforcement actions taken by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is proof that corruption, fraud and other misconduct remain legitimate problems for many companies globally. Vigorous enforcement, which today involves the use of sophisticated technology and data...

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