More Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Articles

Board of Directors

Key Shareholder Issues In The 2013 Proxy Season

Editor: Please describe your practice area. Dockery: Our corporate and securities group has a diverse practice, dealing with securities, corporate finance, M&A, corporate governance and other general corporate issues. Editor: The rules that the SEC has promulgated under Dodd-Frank include...

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In Gabelli, Supreme Court Holds SEC Enforcement To Strict Five-Year Limitations Period For Penalties; Will The Other Shoe Drop In Bartek?

In Gabelli v. SEC, No. 11-1274, 2013 WL 691002 (U.S. Feb. 27, 2013), the Supreme Court unanimously adopted a bright-line rule that, in SEC enforcement cases where the SEC seeks civil money penalties, the five-year statute of limitations provided for in 28 U. S. C. §2462[1] begins to run when...

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“Well, Now I’m Screwed. I Can’t Sell.” The Words That Will Take The SEC’s Insider Trading Case Against Mark Cuban To Trial

Recently, in S.E.C. v. Cuban, No. 08-CV-2050, 2013 WL 791405 (N.D. Tex. March 5, 2013), a federal district court denied Mark Cuban’s motion for summary judgment. The court held that although the question was “in some respects a close one,” there was sufficient dispute over the...

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