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The Multiple Personalities Of Pennsylvania Product Liability Law

“Anyone who isn’t confused really doesn’t understand the situation.” – Edward R. Murrow Introduction Because the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has not adopted the Restatement (Third) of Torts to replace the Restatement (Second) and, in a recent...

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Civil Justice

E-Discovery Considerations In Class Action Lawsuits

Editor: Why should the scope of e-discovery be limited? Should it presumptively be limited to information available in the ordinary course of business? Schulman: E-discovery continues to be one of the most costly stages of any litigation. The very first rule in the Federal Rules – Rule 1...

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Civil Justice

The Proportionality Triangle: A Strategic Model For Negotiating Proportional E-Discovery Responses

The battle over e-discovery cost control can be won or lost during negotiations with opposing parties. Although many courts are receptive to proportionality arguments, litigants don’t always do the best job of providing courts with the data and analysis to support their arguments, relying...

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