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Civil Justice

Evolving Preservation Standards And Technology Solutions That Work

Editor: Please start our discussion by providing an overview of the issues that you see with respect to over-preservation. Lim: Organizations like Lawyers for Civil Justice (LCJ) have done a good job of highlighting the burdens of e-discovery within the current legal standards. It’s...

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Board of Directors

Defensible Clean-Up; Addressing The Dark Side Of Big Data

Editor: ZyLAB has been warning companies about the “dark side of Big Data.” Please start our discussion by telling us what big data is. Mack: Big data can be described as having volume, velocity and variety. The estimates of how much data is created on a daily basis...

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Establishing A Defensible Approach To Technology-Assisted Review

The Limits Of Traditional Document Review In Electronic Discovery In the era of Big Data, litigation and investigations involving the collection and review of a terabyte of data or more are no longer uncommon. Technology has made it too simple to create and retain virtually limitless...

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