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Delaware – From Hub to Hotbed: Emergence as life sciences player augments traditional role as incorporation capital

MCC: Delaware has long been regarded as the epicenter of corporate law developments, but not as much relative to life sciences and intellectual property. Is that changing and, if so, why? Kelly: It’s not up there yet with Boston or San Francisco, but it’s growing sharply and...

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Civil Justice

Proportionality: The Continuing Effort to Limit the Scope of Discovery

In an attempt to reign in increasing discovery costs, in September 2014, the Judicial Conference of the United States approved amendments to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26. The revised rule, now pending before the Supreme Court, attempts to further narrow and limit discovery by explicitly...

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Take Practical Steps Now to Ease the Burden of E-Discovery in the Future

The rapid introduction of new technology and software often leads companies to regularly augment and upgrade their technology and software systems. This has caused dramatic increases every year in the amount of electronic data generated even by small companies. While this data revolution has...

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