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A Mission-Critical Response: Infringement case turns on breakneck tech-service response

MCC: Chris, please tell us about a case you handled last August. What triggered the need for Inventus’s services, and how did you collaborate to manage the initial critical phases of that litigation? Joe: We had an IP case last summer – a patent lawsuit against a very significant,...

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False Claims Act

DOJ + FCA = Trouble for Corporations: False Claims Act morphs into all-purpose anti-fraud tool

Last year, the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) recovered nearly $5.7 billion under the False Claims Act (“FCA”),[1] setting a new record for civil recoveries under the FCA and easily besting 2013’s take of $3.8 billion.[2] A number of decisions interpreting the FCA...

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Regulation in the Medical Device Industry: FDA insider lays out the issues

MCC: During your tenure at the FDA, there was a strong focus on medical product safety. What prompted such attention? Brown: Over the course of my time at the FDA in a couple different capacities starting in 2010, the issue of medical product safety, including medical device safety, was a...

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