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Litigating Trademark And Copyright Cases In The Metaverse

What Is Reality? In Neal Stephenson’s 1992 science fiction novel, Snow Crash,[1] humans battle each other as avatars in the “Metaverse,” the collective product of online shared three‑dimensional space.[2] While Stephenson's “Metaverse,” created by all...

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Technology | Telecommunications

The Latest Generation Of New Media

Editor: As co-head of Proskauer’s Technology, Media and Communications Group and a member of the Privacy & Data Security Group, your practice covers many different areas. Please describe these broad areas. Neuburger: The practice is quite diverse, generally covering the use of...

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Healthcare | Life Sciences

Science And The Law Are Equal Partners In IP Practice

Editor: Tell our readers about your background and current practice. Davis: I started out as an organic chemist, having earned a chemistry degree from Swarthmore College and a PhD from Johns Hopkins. I worked in industry for five years before deciding to go to law school at Case Western Reserve...

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