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Intellectual Property

Patent And Trademark Trends 2011: Thomson Reuters Evaluates Corporate And Industry-Specific Innovation

Innovation is viewed by many as the lynchpin of global economic prosperity. Political and governmental speeches from around the world reference “innovation” as essential to overcoming financial crises, creating jobs and solving humanitarian challenges. U.S. President Obama, in his...

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Intellectual Property

Speaking Confidentially: Tips For Protecting Trade Secrets And Other Confidential Business Information

With apologies to Jane Austen, it is a truth universally acknowledged that every company possesses information that it wants to keep out of its competitors' hands. Whether that information is a list of customers or clients; a strategic plan or business practice; pricing information; or...

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Biotechnology | Healthcare | Life Sciences

In The Rush To Emerging Markets, Could Public Health Be The Winner?

What is the crashing noise so many pharmaceutical companies are hearing these days? Some say it is the sound of key products going over the “patent cliff.” The press has focused recently on the number of blockbuster drugs that are coming off or have come off patent. The news has...

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