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Information Governance

Information Governance Initiative (IGI), Annual Report 2014: Information Governance Goes to Work

The following is a summary of a webcast in which Barclay T. Blair, Founder and Executive Director of the Information Governance Initiative (IGI) and President of the consulting firm Via Lumina, presents the results of IGI's 2014 survey (see link below). An internationally recognized...

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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

Proactive Risk Management: How Technology Can Help You Identify Hidden Risks And Reveal Warnings Of A Potential Corporate Crisis

Today's corporate environment is lucrative and fast-paced but swamped with ever-evolving regulations and compliance guidelines. Every industry has a spider web of regulatory standards that must be followed – no matter the size of the corporation or its location. Refusal to follow...

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BYOD And The Consumerization Of IT In Corporate America

Editor: Please tell us about your professional background. Branham: I spent eight years at a Fortune 500 company where I developed their e-discovery program; from there I went to Faegre Baker Daniels where I practiced law in the area of electronic discovery. I now manage a variety of matters...

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