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Intellectual Property

IP Expert On The Push For Market-Based Evidence In High-End Patent Litigation

Editor: Please tell us about Cornerstone Research. Iyer: Cornerstone Research is a leading firm consulting to attorneys involved in complex litigation or regulatory proceedings. We have more than five hundred consultants working from offices in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Menlo Park, New York...

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Making The Most Of Post-Grant Proceedings

Editor: Fish is one of most active firms involved with post-grant proceedings and has played a pivotal role in shaping this important new field of IP practice. Tell us more about the work you are doing. Renner: Post-grant proceedings truly are hybrids. In response, we are creating...

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Appellate Law

Supreme Court Rejects Laches Defense To Timely Copyright Infringement Claim

Introduction Prior to the U.S. Supreme Court’s May 19, 2014 decision in Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.[1] the chances of being able to successfully sue Jimmy Page for stealing the opening acoustic guitar line of the classic 1970 song “Stairway to Heaven” would seem...

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