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Social Networking, Mobile Devices And The Cloud:The Newest Frontiers Of Privacy Law

Social networking, mobile devices, and cloud computing are enabling new forms of commerce and communication. In turn, businesses, regulators, and courts are confronting the expanded role of social media and cloud services in litigation and investigations and particularly the privacy issues raised...

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HHS Announces Proposed Rule On HIPAA Privacy Rule Accounting Requirements

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ("HHS") published proposed rulemaking on May 31, 2011 (the "Proposed Rule") modifying HIPAA's Privacy Rule concerning the accounting of disclosures of protected health information ("PHI"). The Proposed Rule not...

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Information Governance

Key Congressional Leaders Advance Efforts To Strengthen Consumer Privacy Protections

Leading congressional proponents of strong privacy protections for consumers' personal information have recently introduced legislation that advances the debate in Congress regarding whether and how such increased protections should be implemented. As discussed below, these bills are quite...

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