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The Latest Generation Of New Media

Editor: As co-head of Proskauer’s Technology, Media and Communications Group and a member of the Privacy & Data Security Group, your practice covers many different areas. Please describe these broad areas. Neuburger: The practice is quite diverse, generally covering the use of...

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First Circuit Decision Opens The Door For Data Breach Suits

Businesses may wish to take special note of the First Circuit's October 20 decision in Anderson v. Hannaford Brothers Co. (2011 U.S. App. Lexis 21239), because it could well open the door for class actions against companies that suffer data breaches. Thus, it may signal an end to the...

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Congress Evaluates The Administration's Cybersecurity Proposal - Several Elements May Affect U.S. Businesses

After more than a year of interagency coordination and discussions the Obama administration released in May 2011 its legislative proposal aimed at overhauling the nation's cybersecurity policies.The administration's plan, similar to several proposals introduced in the Senate, includes...

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