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Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity Is Not Self-Executing – It Needs Advocates. DuPont's Pioneering Role In Sustained Advancement Of Diversity Initiatives

The inauguration was all about diversity. The mass of people crowded into the Mall reflected the diversity of our country. Those addressing them from the podium carried out the diversity theme. The most profound truth that the President uttered in his address was that “What makes us...

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Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity At Weil: Dedicated To Inclusion

Editor: Please share with our readers your professional background. You launched the Office for Diversity at the New York City Bar Association. Would you elaborate on its mission and programs? Moore: I joined Weil in 2007 to lead its global diversity program. Prior to joining Weil, most of my...

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Diversity & Inclusion

Tax Traps And Opportunities: Planning For Same-Sex Marriage

On November 6, 2012, Maine, Maryland and Washington State joined New York, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and the District of Columbia in recognizing same-sex marriage. In extending these legal rights to same-sex couples, some unique and challenging tax planning issues...

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