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Diversity & Inclusion

Legal Marketing Insights: The Natural Marketing Power Of Women Lawyers And The Rise Of Stiletto Networks

Recently, I sat in on a program regarding coaching skills for women lawyers. While numbers still lag behind in terms of women’s equality with men in occupying client leadership positions, the relevant news is that women today maintain more positions of significance and power than ever...

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Diversity & Inclusion

MCCA Hosts Creating Pathways For Diversity/Diversity Honors Gala

Editor: Joe, please describe the purpose of MCCA’s 14th annual Creating Pathways to Diversity Conference and Awards Gala, which was held on September 16 and 17. West: Even though the Pathways Conference and the Gala occurred on successive days, they were actually two separate...

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Corporate Counsel

MCCA: Leading The Way To Diversity And Inclusion

Editor: After coming off a banner year in 2012, how does MCCA hope to exceed that remarkable success in 2013? West: Last year, we concentrated on improving our CLE programs to make sure that the subject matter was timely, interesting and useful, and we focused on lining up top-quality speakers...

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