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E-discovery is About More Than Technology…It’s the People! Specialized service providers can offer advantages in cross-border litigation

Andy Jimenez, CEO and President of FRONTEO USA (formerly UBIC North America), is based in San Francisco and has been in the legal support field for 20 years. FRONTEO is a leading provider of e-discovery technology and managed review support services. MCC spoke with Mr. Jimenez about the company...

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10 Key Legal Considerations for Cloud Solutions: There will be investigations and e-discovery request, are you ready?

The year is 2004, and Google quietly releases a new offering called Gmail. It’s invitation only, and there is little fanfare. Techies pass invitations amongst themselves, and a cult following grows, but generally the world fails to take notice. The year is 2006, and Google launches Google...

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Corporate Counsel

Reaching Common Ground on E-Discovery: Closing the perception gap between inside and outside counsel drives better results

When an in-house legal team works with outside counsel, there is often a disconnect between technology and e-discovery. In-house counsel perceives outside counsel as unnecessarily expansive, while outside counsel perceives the in-house team as overly targeted and budget-focused. Laura Kibbe of RVM...

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