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Finding the Balance: The daughter of a single-mother entrepreneur takes from her the inspiration to raise a family and a company

Cheryl Brunetti is the daughter of a single mom who started a service station at which, in time, her son and daughter both worked. It was an experience that taught young Cheryl lifelong lessons. Brunetti is now the executive chairwoman of RVM Enterprises, Inc., an e-discovery provider that has long...

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The Ethical Hacker: How to Protect Your Company from Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware. Just the word itself is enough to chill the hearts of everyone from personal users to IT professionals to senior executives. May 12th’s massive attack took down hundreds, perhaps thousands, of companies and unknown numbers of individuals and institutions, including the United...

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The Ethical Hacker: Can We Talk About Safety, for a Change?

I really enjoyed the Enfuse conference in May (three days devoted to security and digital investigations). In fact, this was my first time attending, and I didn’t know exactly what to expect. I was impressed by both the sessions and the content provided. In the technical realm, the session on...

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