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Using Restrictive Covenants To Protect Alternative Asset Managers

Alternative asset managers know that today’s valued employee may become tomorrow’s competitor. You may suddenly find yourself competing against a person who, after having years of access to your strategies, processes, confidential information, and clients, learned the business at...

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Five Traps For The Unwary Licensee

Licensors and licensees enter into agreements with each other all the time with respect to the commercialization of products covered by patent rights or other technology. These agreements can take many forms, including “pure” license grants, R&D collaborations and joint venture...

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Purposes And Pitfalls Of Letters Of Intent

Letters Of Intent Defined Letters of Intent, sometimes referred to as "memorandums of understanding," are frequently used in media transactions and are pre-contractual documents that set forth certain basic terms upon which parties intend to enter into binding definitive agreements....

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