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Business Integrity’s 2013 Contract Management Survey Reveals Big Opportunities For Savings

Given the relentless pressure on law departments to reduce costs while improving service and compliance, it’s not surprising that Business Integrity’s 2013 contract management survey found that 46 percent of respondents are planning to automate their contract processes. The survey was...

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Avoid Mistakes And Save Legal Review Costs – Use State-Of-The-Art Contract Management

Editor: Andy, please tell us about the ContractExpress family of solutions that Business Integrity provides. Wishart: Business Integrity offers document assembly solutions to law firms and contract management solutions to corporations. Law firms are using our document assembly capabilities to...

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Expert Discusses Contract Audit And IP Damages Calculation

Editor: Please tell us about your background and experience. Smith: I graduated from Bucknell University with a bachelor of science in accounting and completed the requirements for a bachelor of arts in French. I received my masters in business administration from the Wharton School at the...

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