More Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Articles

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

An International Arbitration Practice That Spans The Globe

Editor: Please tell our readers about your distinguished background and your practice. Ali: I am originally from Bangladesh, grew up in Southeast Asia and North Africa, went to high school in London and then attended college and law school in New York. I come from a family of lawyers, so...

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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Arbitration Law – One Issue Settled, Another Issue Still Percolating

Editor: Mr. Oberman, will you give our readers some idea of your professional background? Oberman: I have been at Kramer Levin since September 1973, where I am now a litigation partner and head of our ADR Practice Group. Previously, I clerked for Judge Milton Pollack in the Southern District of...

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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Promoting Best Practices In Arbitration: The Case For Neutrality In Tripartite Arbitration Panels

Editor: You recently authored a chapter in the Aspatore/Thomson/Reuters book, The Role of Ethics in ADR, entitled "Promoting and Preserving Neutrality and Impartiality in ADR." Please tell our readers about your professional background and what led to your participation in this...

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