More Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Articles

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Arbitration After AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion: Judicial, Regulatory and Strategic Legal Responses To High Court’s 2011 Ruling

Lammi: AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion (Concepcion) is a U.S. Supreme Court decision that many in the plaintiffs’ bar criticize as the most harmful case in the history of consumer protection, as it could end all class action suits. The Court ruled by a five-to-four vote that the Federal...

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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

When In Rome (Or Cairo, Or Shanghai, Or Caracas … )

The statistics are telling: the number of international investment arbitrations has doubled in a mere two years;[1] various institutions administering international commercial arbitration have reported similarly robust growth in caseload over the past several years.[2] The steady – and...

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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Relieving High Costs And Delays In Arbitration – A Roundtable

Editor: Please comment on allegations that the advantages of arbitration are being lost due to rising costs and unwarranted delays. How can these issues be addressed? Dreier: The reputation of arbitration is being besmirched by repeated claims of high costs and unwarranted delays. This is a...

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