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Watching Your Step: Avoiding The Pitfalls And Perils Of Corporate Internal Investigations - Part II

To conduct a credible and accurate investigation, counsel should interview everyone with relevant information. When conducting interviews, however, the attorney must be mindful that an employee interview is a fact-finding exercise, not an opportunity to "woodshed" the witness into adopting a...

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UK - Law Firms As Globalization Accelerates, A London Office Takes Center Stage

Editor: Mr. Keffer, please tell our readers something about your background and career. Keffer: I was born in Havana. I left Cuba with my family in 1960, about 18 months after Fidel Castro's arrival. Like many Cubans, we spent a couple of years in Miami. My father worked for Exxon, and he was...

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China Law Firms Exporting To China (And Elsewhere): New Developments In International Trade Compliance

China, China, China. Everyone's talking about China É or certainly should be. From a U.S. business perspective, it is the largest potential market and the largest potential threat. Some see the prospect of enormous profits for both U.S. and Chinese operations, while others see a more depressing...

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Corporate Compliance - Law Firms Watching Your Step: Avoiding The Pitfalls And Perils Of Corporate Internal Investigations - Part I

Since the creation of the Corporate Fraud Task Force in July 2002, the United States Department of Justice and the other member agencies have worked feverishly to ferret out corporate crime and punish wrongdoers. The Task Force, in the three years following the announcement of its formation by...

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Latin America - Law Firms A Latin American Practice Group Poised To Grow With The Region

Editor: Would you tell our readers something about your professional experience? Valera: My legal career started in Peru. Following law school, I joined a firm in Lima which acted as local counsel to a Houston-based oil company exploring in the Peruvian area of the Amazon. My mentor at the firm...

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International Law & Trade - Law Firms The USA Patriot Act And Its Effect On Foreign Investors In U.S. Real Estate

Introduction Title III of the Uniting And Strengthening America By Providing Tools Required To Intercept And Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 ("Patriot Act") amended the former Bank Secrecy Act and created new minimum due diligence obligations for certain defined financial institutions. These...

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Compliance Readiness The Andersen Decision And Document Management Under Sarbanes-Oxley

Congress, over the years, has conferred on our country at least four separate obstruction of justice criminal statutes that apply to acts of destroying internal corporate documents.1 The most recent of these statutes - 18 U.S.C. §1519, which was enacted as part of the Sarbanes-Oxley corporate...

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