King & Spalding LLP

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Cybersecurity in the Boardroom: Lessons learned from working with boards and senior management

Phyllis Sumner, who leads King & Spalding’s Data, Privacy & Security practice, spends more and more of her time these days counseling corporate boards and senior executives on the perils and pitfalls of data security. She explains her work and the lessons she draws from her...

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Deal with Iran Is Major Diplomatic Feat: But the implementation battle is just beginning

On July 14, 2015, negotiators from Iran, the EU, and the P5+1 countries – China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany – announced that they had reached a consensus on the final text of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (“JCPOA”) with Iran...

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Department of Justice (DOJ)

Pushing Back on Piling On: Heaping regulatory penalties on businesses that plead guilty may not be the answer

“A slap-on-the-wrist culture.” This is how Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), speaking publicly this spring, characterized recent decisions by the Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulators not to impose the most severe regulatory penalties...

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