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International Trade

East Meets West In Dubai

Editor: Please describe your background and your practice area within the Jones Day offices in Dubai. Shadmand: I began my practice with Jones Day about 15 years ago in our Washington, DC office. I am of Middle Eastern descent and had worked on a number of matters for the firm’s notable...

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Employee Benefits (ERISA)

In Re: Citigroup ERISA Litigation: Has The Death Knell Sounded For Stock Drop Cases?

Following the spectacular collapse of Enron in 2001, a cottage litigation industry was created in which a handful of plaintiffs’ firms now routinely rush to bring ERISA class actions whenever a pension plan invests in the stock of the corporate sponsor and the stock price declines...

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International Trade

The United Kingdom Legal Market – The View From Tudor Street

Editor: What is your role in the London office? Phillips: I have been the partner-in-charge since April 1, 2011, and I’m enjoying that role enormously. We have a partner-in-charge in every one of our 35 offices across the world, and my role is to look after the office and take it forward...

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Delaware Award Guides Special Committees On Controlling Stockholder Transactions

On October 14, 2011 Chancellor Leo Strine of the Delaware Court of Chancery awarded $1.263 billion to Southern Peru Copper Corp. ("Southern Peru") following trial of a derivative lawsuit against a controlling stockholder of Southern Peru and certain of its affiliates who served as...

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Intellectual Property

ITC Bans Imports Using Misappropriated Trade Secrets

Editor: Please tell us about the Jones Day International Trade Commission (ITC) practice generally and the firm’s capabilities in matters involving the ITC and China. Maiorana: Having over 30 professionals with ITC experience, Jones Day is among the most active firms handling ITC matters...

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Staying Out Of Jail - Renewed Emphasis On Immigration Compliance

Immigration reform is likely to be a key issue in the upcoming presidential election. Already, some Republican presidential candidates are calling for a substantial increase in the enforcement of federal immigration laws, including those against employers hiring unauthorized aliens. Similarly, as...

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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Hong Kong Strengthens Position As Leading Jurisdiction For International Arbitration With Major Overhaul Of Legislative Framework

Introduction The much-anticipated Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance (Cap.609) (the "Ordinance") came into effect on 1 June 2011. This new piece of legislation furthers Hong Kong's status as being a prime seat for international arbitration in the region by providing a clear and...

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