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Labor & Employment

Administrative Dissonance: National Labor Relations Board Decision Making In The Aftermath Of Noel Canning

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB or Board), the federal agency responsible for enforcing labor laws applicable to most private sector employees in the United States, is once again embroiled in a political and legal controversy that arguably undermines the effectiveness of the agency in...

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Bringing Balance To A Law Practice

Editor: You had a long and distinguished career in public service and in the private sector prior to joining Jones Day in January. Could you outline that for us? Brown: I started my legal career as an assistant attorney general for the State of Ohio, representing the Ohio State Medical Board...

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International Trade

Dubai – Focal Point For Growth In The Middle East

Editor: Could you share with us a brief overview about why Jones Day is establishing a Projects & Infrastructure Practice, and in particular why now? Galledari: Jones Day's Projects & Infrastructure Practice encompasses a multi-disciplinary, focused group of lawyers who have been...

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Defending Against The New Wave Of Food Misbranding Litigation

Recent months have witnessed a surge in class action complaints alleging that food labeling is deceptive or in violation of applicable regulations. The dramatic increase in litigation may at first glance seem counterintuitive, since there have not been any radical changes in how food...

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Cooling Off Public Nuisance Claims

Public nuisance law has been a part of American jurisprudence from colonial times. While it is rooted in criminal actions and historically was used primarily to address obstructions to public travel and violations of morals (e.g., brothels, bars and more), nuisance law has more recently been...

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NLRB's Social Media Initiative: Not Much To "Like”

Under the mantra of preserving workers’ rights under the National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”), the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or “Board”) has actively pursued a number of initiatives designed to extend the Act’s protections and expand...

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Delaware Supreme Court Affirms $2 Billion Damages Award For Controlling Stockholder Transaction Found To Be Unfair

In October 2011, Chancellor Leo Strine of the Delaware Chancery Court awarded more than $1.2 billion in damages and interest to Southern Peru Copper Corp. ("Southern Peru") after determining at trial that in a "manifestly unfair transaction," it had substantially overpaid for...

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