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5 Tips to Help Mitigate Insider Theft: It starts with defining the line between personal and corporate information

Information is an extraordinarily prized corporate asset. In today’s digital age, that information is stored electronically. For example, software companies store their highly valuable intellectual property in code repositories. Healthcare companies store personal medical records in an...

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The Ethical Hacker:

  Like many, I attended LegalTech Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, enjoyed catching up with old friends, and seeing new, emerging technologies.  Did you see the car forensics kit being offered by Berla?  Wow, that was pretty cool and something I am definitely going to keep an eye on. ...

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The Ethical Hacker: Data, Disputes, Discovery and more...I Got 99 Problems, But No Data Ain’t One

A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to meet with some senior in-house counsel from a Fortune 10 company. We were discussing data and the powerful ways analytics can be used in litigation. One of the attorneys appeared somewhat dismayed, saying that while analytics are amazing and she really wanted...

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Civil Justice

FRCP: Playing by the New Rules – Amendments driving predictability and proactivity

Introduction: The amended Federal Rules of Civil Procedure went into effect a little over a year ago now, and experience and case law are growing. We checked in with three experts who bring differing on-the-ground vantages to discovery practice and procedure: Hon. Mitchell D. Dembin, a U.S....

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BYOD Brings Both Risks & Rewards: Considering the information governance implications of BYOD programs

As companies work to control costs and mitigate risk, bring your own device (BYOD) programs create as many questions as solutions. Employees are looking for faster and more fully integrated mobile devices – while corporate law and IT departments work to control costs, mitigate risk and to...

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IoT Data: Objective, Consistent & Pervasive: Using metadata to build compelling narratives for litigation

Your phone records who you call and text, what websites you visit, and when you are active or asleep. Your fitness tracker records your heart rate and pace. Your GPS records your location, direction and speed. All of this is IoT data and has three critical characteristics: It’s objective...

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10 Key Legal Considerations for Cloud Solutions: There will be investigations and e-discovery request, are you ready?

The year is 2004, and Google quietly releases a new offering called Gmail. It’s invitation only, and there is little fanfare. Techies pass invitations amongst themselves, and a cult following grows, but generally the world fails to take notice. The year is 2006, and Google launches Google...

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